dear jenna and julianna. i love you both at your house. today is the sleep over at my house. by malina gaworski. and by iza gaworski. and by shamick gaworski. and by juli gaworski
Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Now I no my abc Next tim wot you Sing with me By malina gaworski And my family We hop you lik nh7 b Your sing We love are Friends and Aiso love you
Yesterday we had our first practice! Guess what, my daddy is my team's coach!
I was very shy ... hope to be braver next time.
We stayed after practice and practice ... with my coach! First game and our league starts on April 12th.
Wczoraj mielismy pierwszy trening. Moj tato jest trenerem mojego zespolu! Ja sie bardzo peszylam i dlatego zostalismy po treningu na prywatna lekcje z moim trenerem! Nasz pierwszy mecz i liga zaczyna sie 12tego Kwietnia.
Hi, I am her father. She is only 5 now. But I figure, it is better start 'late' than not at all right? :-) From now on, all writing (no matter what) will be of Malina.