AN ORIGINAL PLAY BY: Malina Gaworski
1 baby bear : iza gaworski
2 baby bear amelia rose
mommy bear: malina gaworski
daddy bear: shamick gaworski
goldilocks: malina gaworski
ACT 1…
once upon a time there were three bears one was a mommy one was a daddy there were twin baby bears.
mommy bear said '' lets make some porridge'' so mommy bear makes some good hot porridge then mommy bear says ''lets take a walk and let our porridge cool''. so they took walk into the woods. that same day little named goldilocks was walking in the woods and she cameo a house. she knocked on the door but nobody
answered. the door was unlocked and goldilocks said… '' someone should put a security system on this door because it stinks she smelled something good coming from the kitchen … so she went in side the kitchen door and she said '' I want a snack COME TO MAMA APPLE PIE''. she tasted a little of papa bears porridge \ apple pie
''TOO HOT" said goldilocks. she tried mama bears porridge \ apple pie . ''TOO COLD'' . and then she ate all of the twins apple pie \ porridge because she knew they would both be good and she ate two because she was really hungry! after all the apple pie \ porridge she left to go to the living room to watch HANNA Montana
hanna montanna was 60 years old so she was called nana montanna and she did all of her dancing in a wheel chair. she sat in the three chairs and she sat in papa chair and said '' this chair is too hard'' and then she sat in mamas chair and said '' this chair is too medium and then she sat in the twins chair and said just right but something was not right ''the chair broke'' said goldilocks. then goldilocks said I think need to go out of
this house because the house does not have any security system and it defiantly stinks and no nails in the chairs ''WHAT FOOLS WOULD LIVE HERE'' the bears heard what she had said and they were almost home from there walk then goldilocks went into the bedroom to take a nice nap she slept in papa bed and she said too hard and then she slept in mamas bed too fluffy said goldilocks and then she slept in the twins bed and said just right so she slept there. and all the bears said ''our door is open'' we need togged some security system . they went inside to investigate to see if anyone stole there security system or there come to mama apple pie they did steal our come to mama apple pie ahh said the twin bears. they went into the living room to see what had happened .
''somebody been sitting in my chair'' said daddy bear ''somebody been sitting in my chair'' said mommy bear.
''some body been sitting in our chair and its broken to pieces'' said the twins. can we go to lows now daddy bear said the twins. NO NO NO NO NO said daddy bear pretty please. NO! NO! no more asking they went to the bedroom to seen what had happened to the bedroom ''somebody has been sleeping in my bed''said daddy bear ''somebody has been sleeping in my bed'' said mommy bear. ''somebody has been sleeping in my bed'' and there she is. daddy bear can we go to lowes now daddy bear. no I like home depoe better REALY YOU LIKE HOME DEPOE BETTER THAN LOWES yes yes i do said daddy bear so the beardsnt eat goldilocks and they all live happily ever after .
and dear Lexington children theater
slap your bottom and shake you bottom and turn around.